Our mission is to provide complete Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) reports that are reliable, valid, accurate, and defendable using testing protocols based on published, peer-reviewed research.


Our philosophy

Because physical therapists are specialists in movement, we feel they are best suited to perform FCE testing. The clinical observation skills of a physical therapist make them uniquely qualified to identify substitution patterns and changes in the speed and quality of movement due to pain. All of our tests are performed only by a licensed physical therapist.

Historically, FCE tests have focused on determining the appropriate physical demand level for return to work. Our testing focuses on objective documentation of level of disability regardless of work status. This way, our test results can support return to work when appropriate, but can also provide valuable information in the litigation process.

Function should be tested in every case. There is not always a correlation between diagnostic testing and function. As an example, an x-ray may show complete healing of a fractured humerus, but the client may still not be able to use the arm. A functional test is the only way to document that deficit.

We consider our clients as more than just employees. Our tests document limitations in activities of daily living and recreation, and not only work activities.


Functional Testing & Consulting, Inc.
P.O. Box 102
Richboro, PA 18954
(267) 355-3376